Falling in love with obstacles

Falling in love with obstacles

I used to be scared of open waters. Don’t get me wrong, I love water, always have, and I am a decent swimmer, but open waters used to freak me out until I decided to overcome this fear that had become so big in my mind. It has been an amazing journey ever since. Back...
About FEAR

About FEAR

Scared? Excellent! One of my favorite places in life is outside my comfort zone, the fine line where excitement meets fear. When I feel my heart pumping and my breath changing, when my senses sharpen, my skin tingles, my stomach gets nervous and my impulse tells me to...
Come back stronger

Come back stronger

Learning to surf is one of the best decisions I have made in my life. Moving to Portugal, being able to spend everyday at the ocean, a dream come true! Not being a child any more and learning new skills comes at a price. You have to be prepared to get injured, at...